Listen well, while I tell you a story ….(Part II)


"For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'It might have been!' "

What if someone dared rewrite Bleak House? What if the seemingly endless law suit contesting the will did not go for litigation? What if the parties did not focus only on themselves? What if the parties decided to forgo some claim in return for some other benefit? What if they tried to find some common ground for agreement? What if the parties generated creative options to settle the dispute?

Conflict is inevitable and exists in all walks of life, and not just in books or movies. Conflict in itself is not bad or dangerous, in fact progress in society arises from differing opinions and resultant conflict. However, It is the unchecked escalation of conflict which is detrimental to peace and progress, in its extreme form, conflict may even lead to loss of life.  Disputes involving difference of opinion of law or fact, sometimes, even leads to feelings of hurt, loss of trust, and breakdown of relationships. In Bleak House pieces of evidence and counter evidence coupled with the questionable justice meted out by the judicial system of the day, leads to the loss of life, sanity and the inheritance. Children who were wards of court grew old, and died of old age, children were born with the dispute as their legacy, and hated each other simply because they were opponents to a court case, of which they knew little.  The party who has approached the court says, “I was forced there, because the law forced me, and would let me go nowhere else.”

What if he could go some place else? What if there was an impartial body who helped him settle the case quickly and, in a manner, most suited to him and his opponents, without “the Lawyers have (ing) twisted it into such a state of bedevilment that the original merits of the case have long disappeared from the face of the earth”? Then perhaps the inheritance would have been saved, old Tom Jarndyce would not have taken his own life, Miss Flite might have kept her sanity, the Jarndyce family would have maintained some nuances of cordiality and relationship with its members, and perhaps, Richard would have not waited in vain to inherit, and would have married Ada much earlier in the presence and with the blessings of the family, instead of resorting to a secret marriage and delaying their short lived happiness; and might have perhaps lived with her happily ever after, instead of getting worn out by the case, developing consumption and  prematurely dying.

And now, therefore, listen well, while I tell you this story…. listen well and learn…. “why litigate, when you can mediate?”

-          Pearl Monteiro

Bleak House (Read for Free)


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