An Ape And A Cat - By Dr. B. S. PATIL

An old heron spent life time to learn patience of monk, stillness of rock and speed of an arrow. These three skills assured good catch of fish for heron. As heron aged, its skill improved. Unlike among other animals, instead of dwindling of catch, its frequency of catch improved. It gained popularity of best hunter in the jungle. 

A ‘Siamang ape’ and a cat were aware about the image of the heron. They envied its achievement. They also knew, they will never be heron as ape lacked stillness, cat lacked patience. However, ape through its intelligence found a new way of making easy living. It planned to target the old heron.

Ape explained the complete plan of loot to the cat. Cat being fond of fish readily agreed; not only agreed, it dreamt of feeding his nagging wife and children with this bounty. 

As per plan, ape distracted old heron and made her to move away from her treasure and cat stealthily attacked the treasure and ran away with the bounty. The operation was much easier than expected. 

Ape after evading heron came to the designated place, as per agreement cat was waiting with the loot. Both ape and cat were pleased with their achievements. 

Ape proudly announced, ‘Didn’t I tell you, have faith in me’.

Cat nodded happily and said in praise, ‘You are a genius’.

Ape changed its stance, occupied a higher place and counted the loot. Cat looked worried. Ape wore professional look on its face. Stance was of a boss, tone was of a leader and it addressed cat, “enough of celebration, (cat was surprised with the statement, he was sitting quietly with the loot for last 30 minutes and now ape is calling off non existing celebration) we have to divide the loot, till that time, my heart will be bearing the obligation”.

Surprise look on the cat’s face was replaced by expression of credence  

Ape continued, “Total catch is 10 fishes, if we divide into exactly half, we both will get five each”

Credence look on cat’s face was replaced with expression of reassurance. 

“But” was the word cried out by ape it came out as a sentence. Now cat had a worried look.

“It will be a great injustice to me, you must know that, idea is most important part of a successful event”. 

Cat felt, idea can be generated by ‘anybody’, it is ‘somebody’ who weighs pros and cons and make it workable. This ‘somebody’ is more important than ‘anybody’. Not forget, if ‘nobody’ implements the idea, then the idea dies even before its birth. 

Fearing that ape may read its mind, cat kept deadpan face. It was a successful quest as ape continued speaking, “As I am whole and soul behind the idea, I will take two fish and then we will divide equally. And removed best and biggest fish from the loot and kept remaining eight for the division. 

Cat was upset but too panicky to react, it did not want to hurt Ape. It said subconsciously, ‘my share will be four fish. family will be happy with it’. 

Posture of the ape did not ease. It further said, “The idea would have been nothing if I did not convince you. Therefore, before dividing I will take my share for convincing you”. 

Ape picked two fish and kept it near its feet. 

Cat looked at remaining loot (six fish). Its share is fast dwindling. It kept its stance, even at this juncture; it focused on same thing, ‘protecting relationship’. 

Ape was in high spirits. It was cheerful of its own achievements. With confidence, ape continued, “Our partnership is not eternal, soon we may find our own way, I will give you complete authorization to use this plan with anybody of your choice, I will be considerate of our friendship and I will charge only two fish. 

The number of loot is down to four. Even though the cat was in tears, it was too much worried about feelings of the ape. Cat could murmur in disbelief that, it is going to get only two fish.  

As if its entire armory of wickedness was empty, ape looked down at the remaining loot and gave smallest two fish to cat and said, “It’s your share and I have been fair and just. You should have no complaints against me”. 

When cat was about to carry its share, ape intervened and said, “I must charge for the service I rendered”. Cat was baffled. 

Ape said, “I just did an onerous task of dividing loot without any discontent. I should be rewarded for it”, while saying, ape snatched one fish from cat. 

Cat was left with only one fish. 

Negotiation Principle:

“Soft Negotiation leads to exploitation, nobody should indulge in it”

The important fact to be noted is the Ape was exploitative and Cat was accommodative. Ape was harsh on subject matter (fish) as well as on party (cat), whereas, cat was soft on both. 

The lesson to be learnt is that - At the time of negotiation, never be soft on subject matter, cat could have been soft on person and hard on subject matter. Keep this in mind.   


  1. Interesting sir this old story is resold to fit in your discipline . Congratulations.

  2. Gripping narrative. Point well explained.

  3. Interesting. Thought of Isapniti childhood stories. Very well written. And yes points will be noted.

  4. Gosh, what an exploitative ape. We should neither ape the ape nor be like the cat! Thanks for your story.


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